刘俐with Jazz Friends' Chill out Nights 弛放爵士夜 -2013 Oct. Taiwan
10/18 (五)Marsalis Bar,高雄
时间: 20:00-22:00
费用: 入场费800 (300抵消费)
交通资讯: https://www.facebook.com/marsalisbar.tw/info
电话: 07-281-4078;高雄市中正四路71号2楼

放轻松 享受蓝色调调! 
你有多久 不再听到魂牵梦系的诗句 
有多久 没听到微甜女孩的呓语呢喃 
多久 没让节拍回荡 让即兴释放 
来自台湾 香港两地乐手 用爵士音符跌宕 
火花飞溅 是激情是欢愉 是冲击也是弛放 


Relax and enjoy the Chill Out Nights!
How long haven't you heard of beautiful poetic lyrics?
How long haven't you listened to the whisper of a sweet girl?
How long Haven't you free your body and soul?
Prestigious players from both Taiwan and Hong Kong
Let jazz music relax everything! 
We are going to bring you joy and excitement in Chill Out Nights! 

With limited seats, reservations are recommended

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