Wang Fu "WONDERFUL" 2013 Concert Tour
Full of the passion and spirit of 60s' music.
Mixes various music and Taiwanese transitional music in unique ways, hoping to make every kinds of groove to make people dance.

@The Mercury
驢子耳朵 (Luzi Erduo) "Donkey Ears" presents their new album "Bystander" at The Wall in Pier 2
Tickets 300 - 1200NT 
Doors open 19:30

Video and poetic info at:
 2013 Jeff Kollman Taiwan Tour Electric Guitar Workshop

Jeff Kollman and Fender Guitars will present a seminar for those interested in jazz, blues, funk and heavy rock. 
Kaohsiung Medical University Auditorium (First Teaching Building B1)
Tickets 250NT

The color fest you've never experienced before
Enjoy the sway of color, carnival electronic music, and concerts all at once. 

Color Play Party
Sep. 7th, 8th
Sizihwan Beach 
Single-day ticket 750NT 
Two-day ticket 1200NT
18 and over

Kaohsiung Arena
Doors open 18:00 for 19:30 performance
a portion of ticket sales benefit the Christian Relief Association to help underprivileged children with after-school programs
A summer music festival featuring international and local artists 
Lots of indie rock and J-/K-pop inspired sounds

from the Facebook site:
It's gonna be a FULL DAY of Music, Beach Events, Contests, and more... All of your favorite bands and DJs will be there, to rock out with us on the Siziwan Beach (NSYSU beach) in Kaohsiung!

Tickets: $400nt with free drink (Monteith's cider or beer)
Pre-sale tickets $350 Foster Hewitt's and Brickyard 
Buses available:Pick up/drop off @
Foster Hewitt's & Brickyard Beergarden
Alcohol and food served all day
No ID, no entry! 

Our security team will be CHECKING everyone for IDs and searching bags and purses ~ Alcohol purchased outside the event WILL NOT be ALLOWED in... period.

早鳥票 $350 (購票地點:加楓餐廳)
當日票 $400 皆附一杯飲料 (Monteith's cider or beer)

Buses leaving from Foster Hewitt's starting from 1:30pm. Central Park pick up point starts at 2:00pm. There is a $50nt charge for bus ride to the event.

Tons more info to follow...
Taiwanese singer-songwriter Zhan Ya Wen has over 60 albums. Her latest, Song of LIfe, is full of positive energy and vitality. 

8/17 - 8/18  Kaohsiung Arena
Tickets range from 800NT to 5800 NT
Jeannie (Xie Jin Yuan), an electronic music "goddess" and popular New Year's Eve DJ, brings her award-winning spins on a world tour. 

Kaohsiung Arena 
19:30, 8/10
Tickets range from 800NT to 3000NT
Celebrating national days (Canada Day and American Independence Day) with a microbrew festival and outdoor music.
Live bands, DJs (including MC Goldfinger from Taipei), and food vendors

Dream Mall
11am to 10